SCIENTIFIC Educationsince 2022 Professor (Associate) | NTNU Trondheim | Norway
2017 - 2022 DFG Emmy-Noether Fellow | University of Wuerzburg | Germany 2016 - 2017 Research Fellow | Lund University | Sweden 2012 - 2015 Postdoctoral Fellow | Lund University | Sweden 2008 - 2011 PhD | University of Marburg | Germany 2003 - 2008 Diploma | University of Marburg | Germany Research InterestMy research aims at understanding how insects use different cues in their environment to set and mantain a desired heading, and how these cues are intergrated in the brain. I have started my research as a PhD student in the laboratory of Uwe Homberg (University of Marburg, Germany), where I studied the sky-compass network in the desert locust brain anatomically and electrophysiologically. Afterwards, I was a postdoc and research fellow in Marie Dacke's lab in the Lund Vision Group (Lund University, Sweden) where I investigated compass orientation in South African ball-rolling dung beetles through electrophysiological, neuroanatomical, and behavioral experiments. Since 2017, I am also interested in studying the migratory behavior of the North American Monarch butterfly. To understand how these insects use different orientation cues to find their way to their overwintering site in Central Mexico, we use a combination of behavioral, anatomical, and electrophysiological approaches.