SElected Publications (FolLow Link for full publication list)
- Beetz MJ, Kraus C, el Jundi B (2023) Neural representation of goal direction in the monarch butterfly brain. Nature Comm 14:5859.
- Beetz MJ, Kraus C, Franzke M, Dreyer D, Strube-Bloss MF, Rössler W, Warrant EJ, Merlin C, el Jundi B (2022) Flight-induced compass representation in the monarch butterfly heading network. Curr Biol 32: 338-349.
- Nguyen TAT, Beetz MJ, Merlin C, el Jundi B (2021) Sun compass neurons are tuned to migratory orientation in monarch butterflies. Proc R Soc B 288: 20202988.
- Dacke M, Bell ATA, Foster JJ, Baird EJ, Strube-Bloss MF, Byrne MJ, and el Jundi B (2019) Multimodal cue integration in the dung beetle compass. PNAS 116:14248-14253.
- Immonen EV, Dacke M, Heinze S, and el Jundi B (2017) Anatomical organization of the brain of a diurnal and a nocturnal dung beetle, J Comp Neurol 525: 1879-1908.