Scientific Educationsince 2023 PhD student | NTNU Trondheim | Norway
2021 - 2023 Master of Science | NTNU Trondheim | Norway 2018 - 2021 Bachelor of Science | NTNU Trondheim | Norway Applied Technique
Research InterestFrom my studies, I have gained an interest in the challenges and mechanisms of migration in animal life. Previously, I have worked with heavy metal pollution and its effect on migratory seabirds, tracking them across several years from naïve first-time migrants to experienced migrants using light-logger geolocators. In my PhD, I will conduct behavioral experiments to investigate the role of olfactory cues in the Monarch butterfly migration. I aim to understand how the monarchs precisely navigate to their overwintering sites during their long migration of several thousand kilometers, and how their cue preference changes in different migratory stages.