We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD candidate for our lab. We aim to create an international work environment and therefore encourage international applicants to apply. For more information, please go to:
PhD position in neuroecology of insect navigation (235923) | NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (jobbnorge.no)
Jerome's ICN symposium talk 2020 entitled "linking brain and orientation behavior - from echolocating bats to migration" is now available on youtube.
Congratulations to Jerome Beetz who received this year's Young Investigator Award of the Interntional Society for Neuroethology. He will give a talk at the ISN Young Investigator Award Symposium (10th of November) which will be held via zoom. We are very much looking forward to his and the other Young Investigators' talk.
by Dacke et al. (how dung beetles steer straight)
https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-ento-042020-102149 Myriam Franzke's first paper is now available as preprint on bioRxiv. Please, follow the link to get to the paper.
The ICN 2020 will be held in Lisbon (http://neuroethology2020.com/) and we are planning to join the conference with a few poster presentations. In addition, Simon Sponberg, Anna Stoeckl and Basil are organzing a satellite meeting on lepidopterans as model organisms. For more information, please, visit the following webside: http://neuroethology2020.com/satellite-meetings/
Myriam, Tu Anh, and Milan are currently at the Texas A&M University (in the lab of Christine Merlin) and are performing behavioral and electrophysiologogical experiments on migrating butterflies. GOOD LUCK!
David Dreyer (Lund University, Sweden), who is currently visiting our lab, will give a talk on Monday (29th of April, 5:15 pm, Biocenter) entitled
Visual navigation drives long distance migration in the Australian Bogong moth The German Neuroscience Conference will take place in Göttingen from the 20th to the 23rd of March.
Meet us during the poster sessions: Wednesday, March 20, 13:00 – 13:45 and 16:30 – 17:15 M. Jerome Beetz: Tetrode recordings from visual neurons in flying monarch butterflies (T14-3A) Myriam Franzke: The use of spectral cues for orientation in the monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus (T14-5A) Thursday, March 21, 10:45– 11:30 and 17:15 – 18:00 Tu Anh Nguyen Thi: Intracellular recordings from a time-compensated sun-compass in monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) (T14-4B)
The Neuro DOWO workshop for PhD students will be held in Würzburg (28th-30th of August) this year. Please, follow the link for more details |